Flower Market Tour & Design Class
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Monday, October 13th & Tuesday, October 14th
Monday, October 13th - Market Tour
Monday, October 13th - Market Tour
Tuesday, October 14th - Design Class
Early Monday morning we will depart Dragonfly Farm at approx. 5:30AM and head to San Francisco Flower Market arriving at approximately 7AM. We will tour the flower market where you will meet direct growers and distributors of flowers, plants and orchids. We will also tour the supply stores where you'll get an inside peek at the multitude of supplies needed to conduct a floral business as well as a store that specializes in containers and dry goods (a.k.a. baskets, mosses, birch branches, etc.) The tour will take approximately 2 hours. After the tour you will be free to purchase floral product from any of the vendors under the Dragonfly Floral badge. This is your chance to buy product that will not only enchant you but also challenge your design skills! After the Flower Market Tour (ending about 10:30AM) we will stop for lunch and get back to Healdsburg at around 2PM.
Tuesday, we will meet from 10-12noon and I'll help you to work with any product you have purchased no matter how big or small and with whatever containers you might have acquired on our trip.
Cost: Flower Market Tour & Design Class - Early registration is $195 Lunch not included. (Until September 15th - late registration price is $250)
**This is a great opportunity to see how the floral design works behind the scenes! Early mornings, long hours, abundant options, endless beauty……you'll LOVE IT!
Cost: Flower Market Tour & Design Class - Early registration is $195 Lunch not included. (Until September 15th - late registration price is $250)
**This is a great opportunity to see how the floral design works behind the scenes! Early mornings, long hours, abundant options, endless beauty……you'll LOVE IT!